The 68th Hawaii State Science & Engineering Fair
Location: Neal Blaisdell Exhibition Hall.
Website: Visit HSSEF webpage for more information.
Location: Neal Blaisdell Exhibition Hall.
Website: Visit HSSEF webpage for more information.
Location: Neal Blaisdell Exhibition Hall.
Website: Visit Hawaii Elementary STEM Expo webpage for more information.
Location: Chantilly, Virginia.
Website: Visit the JSHS webpage for more information.
Location: Columbus, Ohio.
Website: Visit the ISEF webpage for more information.
Location: Waiakea High School Cafeteria.
Website: Contact information can be found on our District Fair webpage.
Location: Leeward Community College.
Website: Contact information can be found on our District Fair webpage.
Location: Iolani School, Seto Hall.
Website: Contact information can be found on our District Fair webpage.
Location: Kaimuki High School.
Website: Contact information can be found on our District Fair webpage.
Location: TBD.
Website: Contact information can be found on our District Fair webpage.
Location: Windward Community College.
Website: Contact information can be found on our District Fair webpage.
Location: Kauai Memorial Convention Hall.
Website: Contact information can be found on our District Fair webpage.
Location: Honolulu Community College
Website: Contact information can be found on our District Fair webpage.
Location: University of Hawaii at Hilo & Kilauea Military Camp.
Website: Visit Hawaii JSHS webpage for more information.
Location: Los Angeles, California
Visit our ISEF webpage for more information.
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Visit our National JSHS webpage for more information.
Location: Neal Blaisdell Exhibition Hall
Visit our Elementary Expo webpage for more information.
Location: Neal Blaisdell Exhibition Hall
Registration: Myscifair (must advance from district fair)
Visit our HSSEF webpage for more information.
Location: John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM)
Overnight Lodging for Participants: Ala Moana Hotel
Visit our Hawaii JSHS webpage for more information. Submissions due on November 30, 2023.
The 66th HSSEF will now return to an in-person experience at the Neal Blaisdell Center. We welcome participants that advanced through their school and district level fairs to now present their research to STEM professionals in the local community. Participants have an opportunity to win significant awards and advance to compete at the International Science & Engineering Fair in the Spring. Please contact your school district’s coordinator for more information.
SR Division: February 11 | ‘Iolani School, Sullivan Center
JR Division: Date TBD | VIRTUAL
University of Hawaii at Hilo, Science & Technology Building
SR Division: February 4 | Kaiser High School
JR Division: February 5 | VIRTUAL
JR Division: January 14-29 (Round I) | February 16 (Round II) | Virtual
SR Division: January 21 - February 5 (Round I) | February 11 (Round II) | Virtual
Formerly known as the Pacific Symposium for Science and Sustainability (PS3), the Hawaii and Pacific JSHS is a unique opportunity for students to come together and share their independent research projects with peers, educators, and STEM professionals. Winners are awarded significant scholarships and will advance on to compete at the National JSHS in the Spring. The 2023 Hawaii JSHS will be held at Bishop Museum. Please visit our Hawaii JSHS webpage for more details.
Applications for the annual STEM poster contest is now open. We encourage you to use your imagination and creativity through the arts in ways that naturally align with STEM learning. Students in grades 6-12 are eligible to apply. This year’s theme is Earth & Environmental Sciences. Deadline to submit is March 1, 2023. Please visit our STEM poster contest webpage for more details.
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